The Battle of Saratoga was like the turning point of the Revolution. 
British troops in Canada had as their main objective to take control of Albany, New York and Hudson River to divide the New England colonies from all the other colonies at the Hudson River and make it easier for Britain to gain control, under the guidance and lead of Major General John Burgoyne. General Burgoyne left Montreal, Quebec in Canada with 6000 men on June 1777 to approach Albany. Another group of troops led by Lieutenant Colonel St. Leger were to join him from Canada. General Howe also was to join him from New York. On their way they stopped at Fort Tinconderoga which is between Lake George and Lake Campaign built by the French in 1775 to protect themselves against the British and also protect fur trading the major route through the Hudson River. Then the fort was taken over by the British on July 5, 1777.
Unfortunately for Burgoyne, St. Leger's troops ran into Benedict Arnold and his American militia. St. Leger and his troops were forced to head back to Canada. Then, General Howe's forces were fighting with Washington at the Battle of Brandywine and then the Battle of Germantown. This kept him from joining Burgoyne.

As Major General Burgoyne reached Albany with his men in September, 1777, they found the city guarded by 7000 Patriots under the command of Major General Horatio Gates now Patriots had decided to wait for British to make their move since they had used the land to their advantage. After minor assaults on September 19 General Gates led his men to an attack at Freeman´s Farm and even though Patriots were reinforced with Gate´s troop they were still not able to suppress the British. Patriots had 320 men killed or hurt, then the British had 600 killed or wounded and the survivor moved up north two miles of Freemen´s Farm to set up their camp headquarters.

On October 7, 1777 General Burgoyne and his men executed a full assault on the patriots at Bemis Heights. But the Patriots had let down the British before through the minor assault and they were now prepared to fight them on October. The patriot´s defense was made up of Major General Gates´, Major General Arnold´s, and Major General Daniel Morgan´s troops which together integrated a great defense against the British. This gave General Burgoyne on choice but to depart Saratoga, they suffered 600 losses compared to the patriots who only lost 150 men. General Burgoyne with 5000 men surrenders to a Patriot army of 20000 men.

This battle strengthen the Patriot´s spirit of winning the war and gave them the confidence, but it also disappointed the British who had the purpose of  taking control of the North giving up their hope of ever recovering authority over the Colonies.

This battle encouraged the French to support in a more direct and public way the colonists since it use to be a secret way of helping, but the war had persuaded the French that patriots had the chance to win the war against the British for their independence. They participated in the victory at Yorktown on October 6, 1781, where General Cornwallis´ and his troops also surrendered against an army of 16000 men.
This battle was one important victory as a turning point of the war in favor of the colonists. Revolutionary War- Battle of SaratogaVideo